The purpose of Saint Matthew’s Sunday School is to partner with parents in the nurture of their child’s faith in Jesus through the active study of His Word. Children in grades Preschool through 12th grade are invited and encouraged to be part of this fun, faith-filled experience. Sunday School is divided between age groups and last all year long. God does not take the summer off, and either do we! Our time together each Sunday morning is a fun opportunity to grow in God’s Word and nurture relationships with each other in Christ. Everyone is welcome!
Saint Matthew just finished up rehabbing our children and youth area as well as purchasing new furniture to fill these areas out. Stop by and check it out!
This class is geared to those around the pre-school age. They have their own class opening, their own music, their own crafts, and their own Jesus time with lesson plans and other learning activities. Sunday School for Preschoolers takes place in Saint Matthew’s preschool room. This room is geared toward their age.
Each Sunday morning at 9:00AM, all K-5 children arrive at their classrooms for prayer, praise, a lesson, crafts, and other learning activities each week.
Middle & High School Youth
The youth meet together each Sunday the large youth room. Again, at Saint Matthew the primary time to be in God’s Word is on Sunday mornings. We want to establish this time, set aside with God’s Word, as being a life-long habit. Throughout the week Saint Matthew might offer youth activities of fun and service (always with a devotional component), but Sunday mornings are set aside specifically as our time together learning more about God and His gifts for us in Jesus Christ.