We get it. Visiting a new church can be intimidating! You have questions. So let us help. We want you to feel comfortable as you get to know us at Saint Matthew!
Below find some frequently asked questions. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to contact us via e-mail or in the office.
When is it? Where is it held? What is it like?
Saint Matthew’s worship services are on Sundays at 10:00AM. All worship services are held in the sanctuary. Saint Matthew’s worship is traditional, liturgical, and dynamic! Ground in the ancient liturgy, permeated with God’s Word, themed with our Lutheran heritage, and enhanced with superb music and musical groups – what a great way to receive God’s gracious gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation in Jesus each week!
What should I wear?
Many prefer to put on their “Sunday best,” while others prefer a more dress-casual approach. Whatever your attire, we want you to feel comfortable worshiping with us! After all, we’re thrilled you’re joining us and want you to be more focused on the worship than what you’re wearing. So don’t worry, you’ll fit in no matter how you dress!
Where are you?
Click here to find us! Click here to contact us!
Is parking a challenge? Which door do I use?
Our front parking lot at the corner of Dundee & Tower are for our visitors and those who might be physically challenged. Just find a place to park and come inside!
The back parking is located off of Tower Road on the west side of the church. The main entrance is actually off of this parking lot. Go down the covered walk way to the glass doors. This is how most people enter on Sundays and during the week. This is also the best way to get to the Church Office during the week.
Where do my kids go?
Great question! During worship we like to have our kids with us! It’s how they learn how to worship – from mom and dad! There is a nursery available on the main floor if you feel you need somewhere quieter to worship.
Is there any special assistance for hearing or visual impairment?
Yes! For those who are hearing impaired, we have special hearing devices that you can wear that will allow you to control the volume. If you think this would be beneficial to you, let an usher know and they will give you a hearing device.
For the visually impaired, we offer large print bulletins for your ease of use. Again, just let one of the ushers know and they will be happy to assist you!
What do you offer for Adult Bible Class & Sunday School?
Every Sunday an Adult Bible Class is offered at Saint Matthew. Class is held either in the Fellowship Hall or in the Library. Confused where these places are, just grab someone and ask them to walk you to a class. They would be more than happy!
Sunday School is offered throughout the year! God doesn’t take the summer off, and neither do we! Children and Youth will be registered for Sunday school and taken to the appropriate grade.